PILGRIM im Dialogue with Sustainability and Spirituality. PILGRIM-Compendium


PILGRIM im Dialogue with Sustainability and Spirituality. PILGRIM-Compendium.

Hisch, Johann;  Kubiak, Piotr; Wogowitsch, Christine;  Eds.

  1. 159 Seiten. ISBN 978-3-9519752-1-4. ca 30 Farbbilder, 17 x 24 cm. € 10,-.


The basic intention of the International Education Network PILGRIM is to link the topic of sustainability with the ethical-philosophical-religious dimension of education. The trigger for this movement is the involvement in the worldwide actions towards the environment as formulated in the UN climate conferences. The 2003 research project has now become a worldwide movement that goes beyond the school setting. The ethical-spiritual implications are thus also relevant in the economic sphere because they offer people opportunities for work and self-realisation. In addition to presenting the content, the publication also provides the organisational framework from which PILGRIM proceeds. In addition, the relevant texts are cited as well as spiritual texts from certification events in recent years.


Education for sustainability, ecology, economy, social issues, SDGs, ethics, values, ecumenism, religions, spirituality, Laudato Si, schools, universities, companies


Dr. Johann Hisch, Born 1946, Kalladorf, NÖ, Theologian and Pedagogician.

Dr. Piotr Kubiak, Pedagogician for Religious Education, Vienna

Ing.in Mag.a Christine Wogowitsch, Born in Nickelsdorf, Bgld., teacher and consultant in the agricultural and environmental education sector.