How to become a PILGRIM institution?

Nomination of a PILGRIM responsible person in the respective institution

All levels of the institution can be starters, all subjects and denominations.

Conference decision and possibly willingness to develop the institution on the topic

Once a rough concept is in place, involve the teachers' conference to inform and seek approval to begin. If the project is going well, a school development process will make itself felt.

At least one interdisciplinary action, incl. report per school/study working year

The projects should address the themes of ecology-economy-social issues combined with spirituality. However, this does not mean that everything has to be addressed every time.

Participation in relevant advanced and advanced training events

Depending on the possibilities, it is advisable to contact the local teacher training colleges and ask which seminars might be suitable. Vienna is not always equally accessible to everyone

Submission of the "project report" by the end of April

Experience has shown that there is a difference between the data sheet and the project report. This is a sign of what the project has brought to the table.

Participation in the PILGRIM network for at least 5 years

To ensure that the projects do not remain singular initiatives and take place in a disjointed manner, it is important that the topics are implemented in a sustainable and consistent manner.

Send your application to:

Creation of a team for topic identification and project work

It is best to consider with some colleagues with whom one can and wants to work together. After that it is useful to go to the management to promote the idea.

Submission to the PILGRIM network: Submission of the "data sheet

For the information of the network PILGRIM it is requested to send the data sheet immediately and/or at the latest by the end of January. It contains all the information needed for further planning and procedures for the later project report.

Integration of the subject of religion (Roman Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox, Islamic, etc.)

PILGRIM stands on an interreligious and ecumenical basis, therefore all religions should be involved locally.

If possible, anchoring in the profile of the institution - at least on the way to it

It is recommended to consider after a run of the projects in which form and formulation this initiative distinguishes and profiles the school/institution. Presentation of the project, the PILGRIMLogo and the initiatives on the own website.

Participation in the certification event (May/June)

In May or June of each academic year, the certification event takes place in Vienna. There, each school/institution receives the document, a PILGRIM ceramic plaque and a vine.

Forms you need

Here is a list of documents you should read, fill out and send to us to become a PILGRIM member

PILGRIM-Beitritts-ErklaerungsAntrag-2016 (DOCX)
PILGRIM-Beitritts-ErklaerungsAntrag-2016 (PDF)
Wie man eine PILGRIM - Institution wird? (PDF)

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